Legucy Fund debuted on the first page!

Legacy Fund is featured on the current cover of Indy Boomer magazine. Each of us has a story and a memory we want to leave behind. Giving to others can help connect each of our stories with our hopes for the future. Giving is also fun!

Legacy Fund was created in 1991 thanks to a generous matching grant from Lilly Endowment. We are affiliated with the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and are accomplishing three main goals:

  • Charitable Advising – We help individuals and their advisors set up scholarships and charitable funds which they can direct to any tax-exempt organization.
  • Grant making - Legacy Fund annually awards over $3 million to effective charities inside and outside the county. Visit the Legacy Fund official site for a list of organizations that received grants last year.
  • Community Leadership – We are a leader and convener for important community discussions such as the renovation of Coxhall Gardens, the launch of SNAP to curb teenage drinking and drug use, and the creation of the Good Samaritan Network to better coordinate services between charities for our neighbors in need.

Don’t sit on the sidelines. Use Legacy Fund as your partner to get in the game and make a bigger difference with your giving.

You can read the full article published in “Indy Boomer” here.

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