Celebration of Philanthropy: 2011 Living Legacy award winner

On November 10th the Celebration of Philanthropy event was hosted by Legacy Fund, the community foundation of Hamilton County, at the Ritz Charles in Carmel.  Forty-six non-for-profit organizations that serve Hamilton County were present.  During the event, Legacy Fund presented the "Living Legacy" award to honor those who do a great deal to raise the quality of life in Hamilton County.  Dr. Judi Campbell became the 2011 Living Legacy award winner.
Judi Campbell is the president of Friends of Hamilton County Parks, the Hamilton County Parks Board charitable foundation.  She is the third person to receive the Living Legacy award.  Before Campbell was the Beck family in 2010 and the Crosser family in 2009.

Judi Campbell has been involved with charity work for a long time.  Her main achievement in terms of philanthropy, is the creation of Chaucie’s Place in Carmel.  Campbell was the original donor, she made a founding gift of $2500.  Chaucie’s Place is a not-for-profit child advocacy center.  It was named in honor of Chaucie Quillen, the child who committed suicide in 1995 after the years of child abuse he was a patient of Dr. Campbell's.  Thanks to the Chaucie’s Place it has become much easier for children to report abuse.  After 10 years of existence Chaucie’s Place has conducted more than 2600 interviews.

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