2012 Inspiring Families and Building Communities Award

Sponsored by Purdue University College of Health and Human Sciences
 Application deadline: April 27, 2012
What is the award?
  • Annual recognition for exemplary work on behalf of Indiana families
  • Up to $1,500 cash award to the winning organization; up to $500 cash award to select finalists

Who can apply?
  • Any organization, program or collaboration that has demonstrated exemplary service to Indiana families
  • Youth organizations that serve both caregivers and children will be considered
  • Self-nominations of an organization, program, or collaboration are welcome

Nomination process
  • Complete the nomination form (Contact Us to receive form)
  • Have the nomination endorsed by your Community Foundation (by securing the signature of the Community Foundation director)
  • Mail completed nomination form to the address below so it is received by the April 27, 2012 deadline

How are nominations reviewed?
  • A panel of reviewers designated by the dean of the College of Health and Human sciences will review the nominations

What are the evaluation criteria?
  • Exemplary work which has improved the lives of Indiana families. Applications which have demonstrated the effectiveness of programs through ongoing assessment have been favorably reviewed in past years.
  • Documented effort on behalf of the organization, program or collaboration that has impacted family well-being within the community

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