Spring District Conference

District Governors Brent Robertson (upper left)
 and Bill Howell (right) flank conference speakers (l. to r.)
 Amy Jones of Hear Indiana, Dick Garrett of Broad 
Ripple Sertoma, and Mark Robbins of the Central Indiana 
Community Foundation and Legacy Fund.

Tom Whitaker, member of Sertoma’s Development
 Committee, gives a report on the Annual Fund. 
(Tom recently had eye surgery.)

Fishers / Fischer’s GEM’s.
Fishers Sertoma Club President Lynn Fischer (3rd from right)
 proudlystands with her GEM candidates (l. to r.) Steve Church,
 Paula Peterson, Tammy Marrs, Patti Brooks, and Betty Crossland.
 Each received a Sertoma lanyard in recognition of their dedication 
to Sertoma.(A GEM is a Good Enthusiastic Member.)

Leadership Award.
Receiving Sertoma Leadership Awards from Northern Indiana
District Governor Brent Robertson were (l. to r.): Dick Garrett
Harry Gemuend, Jim Shepherd, Audrey Spear, Michael Brown,
 Thomas Ertl, and Lynn Fischer. Fred Winters (not pictured) also
 received the award. The award included a LEADERSHIP
 pin and a letter signed by Sertoma President John Kerr.
Connie Temm (Morgan County) and Audrey Spear (Lawrence) 
promote Hear Indiana’s upcoming Talk Walk Run.

Lunch buffet, featuring the famous Northside “K of C” fried chicken 
(not to be confused with a similarly sounding trade name).

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